My Grandfathers Guitar by Angela Sullivan

My Grandfathers Guitar by Angela Sullivan
I visit him...The old man. I watch as he gingerly rises from his seat and slowly disappears down the hall.
In moments he returns with an old guitar. Even tho it was in almost perfect condition I could tell it was old. I looked up with surprise as he reached his weathered hands out to me as if he wanted me to take it. I reach out and feel the slick smoothness of the wood. A smile sweeps across his face as he says to me...Baby girl she is yours now. I smile back and realize that this is special. I know that the guitar is one of the most valuable gifts I have ever received. The most special gift  My Grandfathers Guitar. 
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  1. Hi Angela, I love the painting and what a special gift! I know you will always treasure the guitar and the memories of his music...
    My husband plays guitar as well and I love it when he plays.

  2. Hi That must have been difficult to paint,a lot of work
    must have gone into it. Bright and cheerful like the colours

  3. Lovely composition along with great memories!


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